Copter-4.5.6-beta1 available for beta testing

Copter-4.5.6-beta1 has been released for beta testing and can be downloaded using QGC or MP’s “beta firmwares” link. Alternatively it can be directly downloaded from

The changes vs 4.5.5 are in the Release Notes and also copied below.

Changes from 4.5.5

  1. Board specific enhancements and bug fixes
  • 3DR Control Zero H7 Rev G support
  • CUAV-7-Nano support
  • FoxeerF405v2 servo outputs increased from 9 to 11
  • Holybro Pixhawk6C hi-power peripheral overcurrent reporting fixed
  • iFlight 2RAW H7 support
  • MFT-SEMA100 support
  • TMotorH743 support BMI270 baro
  • ZeroOneX6 support
  1. Minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • Cameras using MAVLink report vendor and model name correctly
  • DroneCAN fix to remove occasional NodeID registration error
  • GPS NMEA and GSoF driver ground course corrected (now always 0 ~ 360 deg)
  • ICP101XX barometer slowed to avoid I2C communication errors
  • IMU temp cal param (INSn_ACCSCAL_Z) stored correctly when bootloader is flashed
  • IMU gyro/accel duplicate id registration fixed to avoid possible pre-arm failure
  • Logging to flash timestamp fix
  • OSD displays ESC temp instead of motor temp
  • PID controller error calculation bug fix (was using target from prev iteration)
  • Relay on MAIN pins fixed
  1. Copter specific fixes
  • Payload place bug fix (calimb rate after releasing payload was unreliable)

As always thanks in advance for your help!

P.S. there was a small mistake made during the release procedures which led to the beta still appearing as “Copter-4.5.5” but this should be corrected within a day or so of this post

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