Copter-4.5.1 released!

I was flying a simple mission yesterday and I just noticed there was no JUMP messages in the telemetry. I’ve seen them there before, (prior to 4.5.1) but nothing this time. I’ve attached the mission file below. Command 13 was the jump back to command 2 with unlimited revolutions. Let me know if you want the .bin.

2024-04-12 09:44:38.360 Mission: 11 WP
2024-04-12 09:44:42.740 Reached command #11
2024-04-12 09:44:42.740 Mission: 12 ChangeSpeed
2024-04-12 09:44:42.740 Mission: 2 WP

waypoints_0(1).txt (1.3 KB)

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