I think you are referring to the Diatone band which has the channels inverted - 5.8GHz FPV Channels & Frequency Chart (Analogue & Digital) - Oscar Liang - however the TBS LO Race channels on which this is based are in fact in the order that they are in ArduPilot. Given that it now seems that almost no TBS kit supports these any more, we could consider inverting them.
I use Rush Solo Max and other. And it have “straight” table- higer channel- higher frequency.
In my opinion best way is to configure VTX table in config or using separate utility.
Otherwice you can’t support all types of VTX.
f.e. look at this new model:
Other way is to make lot of tables and switch them in Config. It will be some easiest way.
I know it’s an some hard job. I regard to developer team of AP. You make so huge job now. But in nearest future you will make more and more…