Copter-4.2.0-beta1 available for beta testing!

@rmackay9 4.2-beta1 seems to have introduced an issue for me with ESC initialisation.

The second set of ESC start-up beeps all happen at random times, sometimes several seconds apart. Everything seems OK after that, but this is reproducible for me every boot.
I’ve rolled back to 4.1 and the issue goes away.

This build this is a clone of @andypiper’s 7" Chimera build from his blog.
(Lumenier Lux H743 FC with T-Motor F55A esc BLHeli32 32.8)

@juzzle1 the same as you is happening for me with master (now 4.3 dev), I havent’t use yet Copter-4.2.0-beta1. With 4.1.5 never happened.

Looks like it’s this change:

Author: Andy Piper <>
Date:   Thu Feb 10 14:41:44 2022 +0000

    AP_HAL: add support for @SYS/timers.txt

    move prescaler calculation here and add unit test
    add ability to find closest matching frequency in prescaler calculation
    account for bit widths in prescaler tests

@andyp1per that seems to have fixed it for me thanks! :slight_smile:


@tridge has created a PR that probably resolves this issue. Do you think you could give it a try? I’m happy to provide a binary if you tell me which board you’re using.

@Mallikarjun_SE you need my PR plus you need to set
in your peripheral hwdef.dat

@rmackay9 @tridge The PR works.
For anyone else who are testing, these are the parameters.
GPS_TYPE= 22 (DroneCAN-MovingBaseline-Base)
GPS_TYPE2= 23 (DroneCAN-MovingBaseline-Rover)
GPS_AUTO_CONFIG= 2 (Enable automatic configuration for DroneCAN)
GPS_DRV_OPTIONS= 8 (Use dedicated CAN port between GPSs for moving baseline)
GPS1_CAN_OVRIDE and GPS2_CAN_OVRIDE based on your node. Option is available under CAN GPS Order on MP.
Set GPS_POS1_X,Y,Z and GPS_POS2_X,Y,Z based on your setup. Recommended distance between GPS is 30cm.
On the AP-Periph side, make sure define GPS_MOVING_BASELINE 1 is defined.
Below is image of the setup!

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Great! thanks very much for the feedback. I’ll add these parameter changes to the GPS-for-yaw setup instructions.

@rmackay9 MAVFTP is failing to initialize on CubeBlack after enabling CAN_P2_DRIVER=2.

@rmackay9 @rmackay9 Above issue was not replicated after changing CAN_P2_DRIVER to 0 and back. But getting EK3 not enough memory and EKF3 isn’t initializing.
Setup is as follows:
2CAN GPS on CAN1, 1CAN RM3100 on CAN2, Telemetry connected.

@rmackay9 EKF3 allocation failed with EK3_IMU_MASK=3.


Thanks for the report.

If you have time could you test if the same failure is seen with 4.1.5? This will more quickly help us determine if it is a new or existing limitation. There are certainly configurations where there simply isn’t enough memory available for all the enabled features.

If it is new could you provide a log file and/or parameter file so we can try and reproduce?

Hey @rmackay9
Tested on AC4.1.5. There was no issue with 15 reboots.
Getting MAVFTP is failing to initialize with AC4.2beta. Happens only when both CAN drivers are enabled by CAN_P1_DRIVER=1, CAN_P2_DRIVER=2. After reboot it shifts to EKF3 not enough memory or MAVFTP failing. Have attached the param file below. Is it because of moving baseline feature enabled?

AC4.2beta test.param (17.0 KB)

Free memory with CAN_P2_Driver=2
Free memory after CAN_P2_DRIVER=1 (Difference is now there’s no MAVFTP or EKF3 initialization problem.

Do you have any news about changing altitude during mission? I am quite puzzled as why we have tons of boutique things almost nobody uses, support 80+ different boards but we don’t have a basic feature as change altitude during a mission. We even support vtol landing on a boat, maybe altitude change in mission could be done with lua too?


I’m afraid there’s no update on providing the ability to add an altitude offset during a mission.

Different developers work on various things so adding support for new boards actually has no impact on this item. AP is fully open source, if there’s a dev who has the skills and wants to implement it we very much welcome their PR… until then, it’s on the to-do list but we’re going to do it properly… no bodged solutions.

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Ok great will wait and hope


p.s. we have been using a “bodged” solution for 3 years now and never a prob, maybe a bodged solution would have been better than nothing waiting for the “properly done”

curious enough, i was wandering about presence of such feature (change alt while auto) just recently, asking myself if it was there already and i’ve could miss it among everything ardupilot offers. So it’s not there, all right, got it :slight_smile:
PS just to be clear, i’m everyday grateful for the work all devs do! :slight_smile:

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I am not sure whether it is properly done or not but I did some implementation about it here, @rmackay9 FYI. @Corrado_Steri wait some time for it to become stable. Stay TUNEd :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great to see something is moving, hopefully will be good enough to have it merged soon :slight_smile:

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