Copter-4.1.0-beta released for beta testing!

Hi @rmackay9 . Thanks for the fast answer. I already try to set LOG_DISARMED to 1 but the readings still not shown in Flight Data. When i armed the vehicle the readings also not shown. One thing i notice. When I use Arduino to try the sonar sensor, the sensor make a sound when operating, but when i try with my pixhawk1 there was no sound at all. Maybe this information useful to you.

Hi @Galang_Wedana,

OK, thanks for trying that out. The LOG_DISARMED parameter was really just so that an onboard log would be produced during testing. Can you post that log somewhere? Either attach it here or provide a link to it here? Sorry but without a log it is very hard to know what is going on. We often say, “it’s all guesswork without a log”.

I’ve tested my HC-SR04 here and it works for me both on Copter master and the current Copter beta.

By “works” I mean I’m getting RANGEFINDER mavlink messages and the distances seem to be about correct when I’m waving my hand about.

I’d suggest double-checking your wiring and pin parameters.

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Sorry to dig up an ancient issue but I’m reviewing all our open 4.1 issues to be sure we haven’t missed anything. Do you think the OSD flight time is now working on the iFlight BeastF7?

I do not see this problem, and I believe this isn’t related to a board but to a very low throttle output level. Since that time my copter become slightly heavier. Looks nobody else affected, so I think we can ignore that.

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