You might need to change that default as there appear to be many more alert messages coming at the GCS. Silent if not armed could be a good option. For example, as of my last testing there are many alerts coming in while initializing that may be technically true, but are out of context since things are still initializing.
BTW, amazing work! Can’t live without passthrough telem and your script on my Horus at this point.
Yeah, that might be a really good path forward. Thanks for considering that Alex! Also, on a quick aside, you may want to check your flight mode enumeration in Copter… currently the new mode “SystemID” reports in your widget as “Initializing”.
Txs for testing the new “RCOut” message. The message is generated at a fairly low level and uses the same variables that the output driver uses when actually generating the output signals so I think it is a reasonably independent check. As a side note the code is here in the AP_HAL_ChibiOS’s RCOutput library’s get_output_mode_banner function. This means it only works for ChibiOS boards (i.e. not Linux boards) at the moment.
@rmackay9 - Put a few flights on the spray machine today, all working well, its owners like the fact it can be disarmed and rearmed in zigzag mode, and return to the original A & B points.
First flights are some quick hops pid tuning on 4.0.3-rc1 (trying to reduce tank slosh), last flight is playing with A-B (including trying to make the surprise “arming” happen again). All looks happy.
Nav speed on a slider in A-B mode works well too. Nice work!
I’m planning on releasing Copter-4.0.3 tomorrow as the official version. Thanks for all your help in beta testing. Feel free to reply here if you think there are issues with this release.