Copter-3.6.0-rc1 available for beta testing

Hardware bug Nuttx: Camera tilt disabled when using 3.6-rc1

I was curious why BATT_AMP_PERVOLT was renamed to BATT_AMP_PERVLT? Any parameter renaming has a serious ripple effect through the software ecostem so switching to a less clear name is surprising to me given the added work and confusion the rename causes.

It was a coding issue. Battery parameters were moved to a unified class, which allows the code to handle more than two batteries in the future. Unfortunately BATT_ and BATT2_ parameters were named differently for the amper per volt (BATT_AMP_PERVOLT and BATT2_AMP_PERVOL) and since maximum length for a parameter is 16 char, a name change was inevitable.

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That explains it. Thanks. I take it that the 16 char limit was driven be the MAVLINK message definitions?

I’ve also wondered why a parameter like ID wasn’t added to BATT and GPS status and configuration to handle multiple batteries or GPSes rather than adding new parameter types? Maybe that would complicate the management of the parameters? (GUi would be more complicated and logic to handle n devices would have to be added.)

The rule : Make only the absolutely necessary disruption. So ID was added, but ID1 remained “silent” Anything after GPS_ and BATT_ is in a single class.

I found this problem, too. PR #8264 Copter: check for fence breaches when disarmed should solve this problem

Thanks for hat, info, I didn’t see that issue. That sounds like it should fix it. I will keep an eye on this and test again when rc-2 hits.

What is the status of EKF3?
EKF2 is still used by default, so are there some open tasks/issues for EKF3 exist?

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I’ve got a “vanishing GPS” issue:
I’ve cycled my old Pixhawk thru 3.5.5, NuttX 6.0-rc1 and CribiOS 6.0-rc1 six or seven times already. I’ve got a M8N that’s working OK in 3.5.5 everytime, but both flavours of -rc1 display No GPS.
The unplug cycle at each firmware write is short enough for the GPS battery to keep it hot, so I went thru a 3.5.5 3D Lock - 3.6.0-rc1 No GPS - 3.5.5 3D Lock sequence in less then a minute, probably.

All the parameters for GPS config are set to leave the internal configuration unchanged - including constellation types, SBAS, etc.

@ThePara: Have you configured the unit as a NMEA GPS instead of UBX protocol? 3.6 and onwards no longer autodetects NMEA, as that was more likely to be a bug, then correct behavior for the majority of users. I’d try letting the autopilot reconfigure the GPS for on you. (Just don’t turn on the save option and power cycling will restore you to your old settings).

Absolutely not :smiley: It’s an U-blox NEO-M8N and as the name implies, it’s configured for UBX protocol.
I might’ve read the release-notes too fast tho’ and missed the line where it says NMEA-only for GPS protocols…

@ThePara Please still try allowing automatic configuration. If you want to debug, it’s worth checking what the GPS type/baud is detected as under Copter3.5.5 (it’s broadcast as a statustext to the GCS when it’s detected)

I’ve switched the GPS to NMEA output and now it shows OK in Cribi-rc1. Cheers.

Did you change settings on the AutoPilot or the GPS to get to NMEA? (In general you should always prefer the UBX protocol to NMEA, as it conveys extra information which helps the EKF)

I’ve changed the UART1 output to NMEA using u-center on the GPS module and I’ve changed GPS type from 2 (UBX) to 5(NMEA) in parameter list on the FC. Boom, 3D/dgnss lock.

3.5.5 was working with both set to UBX.

Copter-3.6.0-rc1 will allow you to arm with the motor interlock enabled. This means that your heli will immediately start turning rotors. We consider this a safety issue. @ChrisOlson and I are trying to track down what is causing this. Please be aware of your motor interlock switch prior to arming.


I noticed that using position hold during autotune was pretty perilous. I ended up switching back to altitude hold for autotune. (I know you’re not using auto-tune, but perhaps the behavior is similar when PIDs are changing.)

Hi all, I am afraid that I am another typical beginner pain for you guys…: SORRY!

I tried everything (within my brain) to get the firmware for a dodeca-hexa frame loaded. I am trying it now over months. I even moved to Qgroundcontrol (where I managed to load a firmware for my dodeca-hexa project). But I like to stay on Mission Planner (for me the much better solution). Anyway: I don’t get to the point where and how I can get the firmware for my dodeca-hexa project?

I really tried everything in my capacities. I followed exactly the instructions given in this forum. But still: without any success.

I I use the beta firmware link I still get no option to select to select an dodeca-hexa and if I try the other option " download the binary from" I found hundreds of options but don’t know which to chose?

I hope there is somebody out there to help?

I hope my issue is not to stupid to ask in this forum?

Thanks in advance


and sorry for my limited english…