Landing gear on pixhawk on AUX 2(ch10).When I use switch on Taranis gear works great.
But,When I switch modes ex:alt-hold,loiter etc,the landing gear retracts.I have to recyle switch to bring gear down again.
I’m on a bench safety switch off.
There is no function in ArduCopter that automatically retracts the landing gear. The only way the gear will go up, is if the RC input for the landing gear switch goes high. So I think it is highly likely this is a configuration problem on your transmitter. It sounds like changing your mode switch is also changing the gear channel output.
Why would changing modes affect
Landing gear??
This is absurd
It’s being suggested that the physical switch you are using might somehow be linked to ch 5 and ch8 in your transmitter configuration.
I’m using ch 5 as the flight mode channel.'m using ch 8 for RTL.
[quote=“larryaamati, post:3, topic:21524, full:true”]
Why would changing modes affect Landing gear?? This is absurd [/quote]
Changing modes does not affect landing gear retract. This is why I said it’s likely a configuration problem on your transmitter. Something is programmed wrong on your transmitter, and it is triggering the gear channel when you change the mode channel. Nothing whatsoever to do with ArduCopter or the pixhawk. Completely on your Taranis programming.
Did you get your gear issue resolved? I’ve been fighting same thing for a couple of months now. RB
I did!
I put the retracts on X8R receiver.Also set fail safe for no power to receiver.woks good.