Coper-4.5.7-beta1 available for testing!

Copter-4.5.7-beta1 has been released for beta testing and can be downloaded using MP or QGC’s beta firmwares links. Alternatively it can be directly downloaded from

The changes vs 4.5.6 are in the ReleaseNotes and also copied below

  1. Bug fixes and minor enhancements
  • VUAV-V7pro support
  • CUAV-7-Nano correction for LEDs and battery volt and current scaling
  • DroneCAN deadlock and saturation of CAN bus fixed
  • DroneCAN DNA server init fix (caused logging issues and spam on bus)
  • F4 boards with inverter support correctly uninvert RX/TX
  • Nanoradar M72 radar driver fix for object avoidance path planning
  • RC support for latest version of GHST
  • Septentrio GPS sat count correctly drops to zero when 255 received
  • TradHeli DDVP tail rotor pitch actuator fixed
  1. ROS2/DDS and other developer focused enhancements
  • AP quaternions normalised for ROS2 to avoid warnings
  • Dependencies fixed for easier installation
  • ROS2 SITL launch file enhancements including displaying console and map
  • ROS_DOMAIN_ID param added to support multiple vehicles or instances of ROS2
  • Python 3.12 support

The most serious fix is the DroneCAN deadlock fix which can cause a watchdog but we’ve only seen this on an unarmed vehicle. More details can be found here.

This will be the last release before the start of 4.6.0-beta testing.

Thanks in advance for any feedback either positive or negative!


More one trouble of Septentrino- HDOP.
When HDOP is bad- it send nothing. What converted into 0.0 ( ideal HDOP)
So when HDOP is bad- you have no swithch to Failsafe Action.

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Hi @poruchik111,

Thanks very much for the report.

AP doesn’t directly use the HDOP to trigger a failsafe but I’ll ask the submitter of the change to re-check.

For reference, this is the PR : AP_GPS: Backport correct satellite count for SBF DNU NrSv value by chiara-septentrio · Pull Request #27799 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub

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I know. But if you have more than 6 sats and hdop less 2.5 - gps not glitching. In fact we have no hdop data what converted to hdop=0

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Hi @poruchik111,

OK thanks for that. I think we will remove that change from 4.5.7 then.

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By the way- Septentrino sayd “this SBF protocol (when no hdop data on COM-port if hdop cannot be calculated or endless) is new EU standard.”
So it will be good if some Dev will contact Septentrino to recheck SBF messages format.

To fix this problem I just add to hdop check something like " || get.hdop == 0"
So if hdop > 2.5 or > g.hdopmin or =0, hdop is bad.
It fix this bug on any GNSS because real hdop cannot be 0.0