Our university’s UAS department is searching for a solution to passing off controls from one laptop running Mission Planner to a second laptop. For example, to maintain line of sight over our area of operation.
We are testing this with a Tarot 680 Pro, using a PixHawk 2/PX4.
I apologize if I have not been descriptive enough; I am drinking from the fire hose.
Is there any way to use a prompt or monitor to verify which station is
currently controlling the aircraft?
You can use SYSID_ENFORCE to ensure only a single system id controls the
vehicle at one time (when combined with SYSID_MYGCS). Otherwise all
system ids can control the UAV.
You should ensure that each of your GCS has a distinct system ID.
I have done this using Mission Planner and a couple tablets running Tower, but stopped because I didn’t wan’t multiple people controlling the aircraft, only extra observers. How do these multiple stations identify themselves? Or is this also a parameter in Mission Planner and only Mission Planner has this option?
I’d like to bump this topic again, as we are revisiting this project.
cndnflyer asked good questions that I am also looking for the answer to.
Could someone elaborate on how the GCS changes hands with a separate ID? Our goal is to fly the 680 out to a middle point between two GCS running Mission Planner. At this point, we would enter a hover before the other GCS takes control. Unless I’m misunderstanding, there doesn’t appear to be a way to do this without having both GCS under an identical ID and either one able to control the aircraft at any time.
Looks like the only way is to have both GCS connected and brief the operators not to change anything until a certain point is reached, I.e. middle hover location.
If there is another way I’d like to try it.