Controlling multiple motors, independently

Hello, everyone.
My project consists of working with 10 motors, 4 BLDC (drone motors), two servo and four DC geared motors. All of them have their respective motor drivers and ESC’s ready to go. I am using a 6 channel transmitter-receiver setup. Radio calibration for BLDC motors has been done in the typical 4 channel allocation for thrust , roll, pitch and yaw. What I want to achieve is that if I flip a switch on one of the vacant channels(5 and 6), my servo motors get triggered, and then I am able to control the 4 DC motors instead of the BLDC motors, through Channels 1,2,3 and 4 (or just Channel 1 and 2, maybe even Channel 5 and 6, if possible).
Can this be done through Mission Planner? Or do I have to upload custom firmware for this?

you want to loiter in place while you use RC1 to RC4 channels to control SERVO_OUT 7, 8, 9 and 10?
if yes you need some lua scripting on the autopilot. But no need to recompile the firmware.

Hi! Thanks for letting me know. Sorry for the late reply. Do I have to do it in Lua? Or is python ok? The documentation for Python scripting is quite sparse, where do I learn it?

Yes, you have to do it in lua.
No, there is no python scripting support in ardupilot.
There is no python sripting documentation, only lua documentation and a ton of lua examples in the source code.

Got it, thanks! However, there are some repos that enable python scripts to run from Lua files(Lunatic-Python). So, can this be done in ArduPilot as well?

Not, that I know of. There is python interpter inside ArduPilot Firmware.
How are you planning to integrate a python interpter inside ArduPilot firmware? A small enough python intrepreter running on a STM32 processor.

Or are you confusing a AMD64 linux computer with a STM32 flight controller?

Think you may want to link to your other post where you defined in more detail actually what you are trying to do with a “hybrid” vehicle.

Hi, apologies for the late reply and YES i got those two mixed up (I’ve had more experience programming STM32’s lol). Again, thank you!