Controlling Motor Servo With Pixhawk

I am building a VTOL tricopter drone using a pixhawk. The rear motor is mounted on a servo based mechanism that is used for yaw control. All my motors work and our controller is working too. I am unable to get my servo to work, I’m assuming it’s a power issue. So far I’ve found online it sounds like I can’t directly power the servo through a pic hawk and need a BEC to do so. I already have an SBEC so I want to use this. The issue is I do not know how to integrate the SBEC into the system. It seems to have pos and neg wires, a standard three pin female input and the three wires which I assume are for output but do not know which would be the pos/neg/signal necessary for a servo. The motors are powered through a PDB connected to a 12 V LiPo battery.
Thank you

Hello daniel_lader,
Simply connect the SBEC to one of the AUX OUT outputs in the figure.


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Thank you for your response,
Do I then solder the two pos and neg wires to the PDB?

You can feed the Sbec input from the PCB by soldering the positive and negative.

The output connects to AUX OUT.

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Thank you
I should have included this picture to begin, but here’s what my BSEC looks like, not exactly but the same setup:

do the A B and C just get soldered to the servo wires? If so, how do I know which wires are the pos, ground, and signal?

*mine doesn’t say speed controller, just SBEC

Hello daniel_lader,


The image you show us is an ESC with BEC, the three cables A B C are connected to the motor.
The three thin white pwm signal, red positive and black negative cables are through which you control the speed of the motor.
Additionally, by having a 5V BEC with a current of 2A, you can power the servos and even the receiver when you connect it to the connection set.

When you power the ESC through the + - Battery to your battery, you have 5V on the positive red and negative black cables.
If the ESC did not have BEC you would only have the white pwm and black negative cable.

I hope I have explained my English is very bad.

That is very helpful, Thank you

Hello Daniel_Lader,
Possibly this will help you in your project, it is in Spanish but I use Google Translate to write here.
