I’ve written a new driver in AP_Notify to communicate over I2C to a PIC16F, which has control over some 5050 RGB LED strips, but something isn’t working, I suspect it’s the I2C communication. I’ve put some printf’s into the code to help with debugging, but where are they ending up? Is there any (easy, built-in) way to log those messages to a file on the SD card?
Also, is all of the firmware (except bootloader) included in ardupilot-v2.px4? Or at least at least the relevant AP_Notify code?
In case you can’t tell, I’m very new to Ardupilot, and still wrapping my head around everything.
EDIT: I’ve just verified that everything on the PIC side is working, I hooked it up to a Raspberry Pi and could use i2c-tools to probe, dump, and set i2c registers, which turns on LEDs as expected. So now I really need a way to get some feedback from the pixhawk.