Connecting to a Vehicle in a Multi Vehicle Link

I am using RFD900x telemetry modules to connect multiple vehicles one by one.
I am using the the following commands.
To connect to telemetry:
mavproxy.exe --master=COM256,57600 --out= --out= --out= --out= --cmd=“set shownoise false” --daemon
To connect and distribute vehicle one by one:
mavproxy.exe --master=udpin: --target-system=10 --cmd=“set shownoise false” --out=
mavproxy.exe --master=udpin: --target-system=20 --cmd=“set shownoise false” --out=
mavproxy.exe --master=udpin: --target-system=30 --cmd=“set shownoise false” --out=
I assumed that above commands only outputs the target systems one by one but it is not.
When i try to connect the vehicles using below lines of codes:
vehicle1 = connect(‘’, wait_ready=True)
vehicle2 = connect(‘’, wait_ready=True)
vehicle3 = connect(‘’, wait_ready=True)
The incoming and outgoing data traffic is mixing and there is no target_system parameter for connect() function.
How can i connect vehicles one by one without mixing them up?

Each vehicle should use a different GCS_MYID parameter