I’m looking to add a telemetry radio to my 500mm quad. I’m running with a Matek H743-Slim, ExpressLRS 2.4GHz, and 5.8GHz video (Rush Tank Solo Max).
Primarily want for ability to connect to Mission Planner to monitor and also upload missions. Hoping for reasonable range of maybe 5km max (eventually, I understand I would need proper groundstation antennas and possibly a tracker for this).
Looking at the Holybro Sik radios at this point for cost and size.
433MHz or 915MHz? I am in the US and a licensed amateur radio operator. I can easily build antennas for 433MHz but 915MHz would obviously be more compact. Any range differences? Interference issues with what I am currently running?
I see the diagram for the air radio shows connections for the receiver. Is this necessary or best practice? Considering I am running ExpressLRS.
Would this setup seem to accomplish what I am looking for? Does having MP connected via telemetry interfere with controlling from my TX16S?
Thank you!