Connecting DJI Mavic to mission planner and swift console

Is it possible to connect my DJI Mavic 3T to mission planner and swift console (GCS)? If yes, how can I connect it?
I am trying to connect my DJI with GCS bt it requires NTRIP and Mountpoint.

Won’t happen. MP won’t work with DJI.

Try UGCS, it will work with DJI and Ardupilot/Mavlink.

There was/is this Kluge called Rosetta Drone…

UGCS is a paid software. Isn’t there anything which is free for students?

Doesn’t DJI have its own ecosytem? That’s what you should be using.

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I am planning to use a base station using Swift console and mission planner to connect multiple rover and copter.

That’s all well and good, but DJI won’t likely play nice with any of that.


Then maybe you should have saved some of your funding for software and not just spend it all on hardware.

Check the DJI forums. See what they have to say.

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