Connect extenal IMU via DroneCAN #1003

If I see this correctly, then an external IMU could communicate via DroneCAN message ID 1003.
And if I understand correctly, the message type 1003 is not implemented in Ardupilot.
Hence my question: Are there any plans to implement this message type in Ardupilot in the near future?

Which ArduPulot FW version are you using.

You might be understanding incorrectly, it might already be implemented in Ardupilot master branch aka. 4.5.-dev a.k.a latest. Have you tested that?

OK. thanks for the quick reply!
No, so far we are testing and flying with Plan 4.4.2.
Then we will test Plane 4.5-Dev.

Wanted to revive this thread because I am attempting to do something similar. Currently running the newest version of Copter (4.5.1) and want to add an external IMU over Dronecan using a similar data type. I searched through the full parameter list and setup tab on Mission Planner but saw nothing regarding external IMU/Gyros in general. Is there any documentation on how to add a Dronecan IMU/Gyro?

That sounds interesting! I have no detailed information about connecting an external IMU/gyro via Dronecan. If I see this correctly and you want to connect an IMU/gyro to the flight controller via Dronecan, then you have to write a suitable driver and integrate it into the flight controller software or emulate the Dronecan protocol of known IMUs or gyros.

We will use Mavlink via serial port. But there is a problem of syncronisation of timestamps.

Do you want to add a combination of IMU and Gyro?

I’m interested in emulation of a single IMU or Gyro (no preference between the two), I don’t want to get involved with drivers if I don’t have to. My goal was to use Dronecan since most of its standard data types seem to already be defined and parsed within Ardupilot. I was hoping that (#1003) was already integrated so I can just pump a CAN message over the bus, flip on a parameter in Mission Planner, and have Ardupilot do all the backend for me. Do you think this is possible or am I totally off base here?