Confusion on setup with both manual and auto mode

Hello everybody!

I am working on a smart agricultural skid-steer rover project. I would like to ask your supports regarding my confusion. Basically, I would like to achieve to control system by PX4 mini in autopilot mode and manually by RC controller. However could not manage it.

With the set up as described in below, motors can run via Qgroundcontrol Motors Setup page - Motor C and D.

However, I could not control them manually via RC controller.

If I change R9DS to PPM mode and connect RC1 input of driver to R9DS transmitter channel 1 and RC2 to transmitter channel 3; I can control motors manually with throttle and steering stick. But no auto mode.

My rover consist of Pixhawk 4 mini, Cytron SmartDriveDuo-30 MDDS30 driver with 2x24V brushed DC motors, AT9S Pro RC controller with R9DS transmitter.

R9DS transmitter in SBUS mode connected to PPM input of Pixhawk 4 mini. RC calibration successfully done via Qgroundcontrol.

Motor A and B connected to MDDS30 driver’s respective motor outputs.

Used RC1 and RC2 inputs of driver and connected to PX4 mini MAIN OUT 3 and MAIN OUT 1, respectively.

Motor driver DIP switch settings are 00000100

Parameter settings: SERVO1_OUTPUT and SERVO3_OUTPUT set to ThrotleLeft 73 and ThrottleRight 74.



May someone point me out what am I missing here?

Thank you.

Is the fc armed and safety set or disabled? Is it in mode manual? Can you see the rc Channel values changing on gcs as you move rc sticks on transmitter?

OH! Actually, I was disabled all safety checks before. But, I reset to default parameters.
So, FC was disarmed but I actually was not aware of that. Set it to armed, viola! It worked. Thank you very much Scott.

Warm regards.

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