Confusion after upgrading to MP 1.3.67 and Copter 3.6.9

I’ve just updated MP to 1.3.67 from the MSI (update kept giving hash errors), the update completed OK. Connected my PX4 quadcopter and updated Copter to 3.6.9 which also completed OK.

After the updates when I connected to the PX4v2 the frametype came up as helicopter, as did the description in the box next to the Stats option. The frame type displayed as 6 so I reset it to 1 and wrote back to the px4 but after a reboot of the px4 it shows up as helicopter again.

On the previous firmware when I connected without my Tx turned on, MP would give the “pre-arm, throttle below failsafe” warning, but now it only gives “pre-arm, collective below failsafe” regardless of frame type.

How can I make the frame type “stick” to quad? And should the pre arm message being using “throttle” if it’s a quad frame config?


It looks like MP installed traditional helicopter firmware.

I’ve been messing with MP for the last couple of hours, and from what I see the new version is totally hosed.

I have tried to install the latest ArduCopter firmware 3.6.9 on two different Pixhawk 1 flight controllers.

If I use MP 1.3.66 I get the bad hash error. If I try either the .MSI or the .ZIP versions, MP lists the frame type firmware as being OFFICIAL. When I select my frame type, either Quad or Hex, MP throws up a drop down “fill in the blanks” screen that’s asking for USB ID, Board ID, etc. No matter what I do MP will not flash the latest firmware, so I’m beginning to think the entire process is BROKEN.

Apparently MP does not like USB 3.0 ports. I switched to a USB 2.0 port and MP flashed the latest firmware. The bad part is, I am stuck with a mis-mash of traditional helicopter and multi rotor firmware. MP keeps complaining that “Collective is below failsafe”. Changing frame type only changes the graphic used in the Flight Data screen.

To get this squared away I use an old Toshiba laptop running Windows 10 and MP

So, it seems to me that the latest couple of versions of MP are busted.

Sounds like a Mp bug I will fix later today

ive just uploaded a new MP version, and fixed the updater issue

Thanks Michael, the new version has loaded 3.6.9 Quad correctly.

Thanks Michael. MP works like a charm. Well Done.