Configuring Seaqull #REC for sony with MP & Herelink?

Im having trouble with getting my camera trigger working with cube black and herelink rc.
Im using MP for config.
Rec is connected to servo7 and configured to the “cam gimbal” page values accrding that values in product manual.
Im using Sony a6300, and when Seaqull is connected, i get “solid red”, or “dimming to solid” red indication light in the trigger unit, so the unit is recognising the camera. Product manual

Here is what i have now in MP Cam setup

When i was playing with different values in MP, there was coupple of time when i had just changed the values in MP and powered the cam, it dida short autofocus and took a picture immediately, but no response from cam trigger after that, actually i couldn´t even use the cameras trigger when this happen.

Should i config cam trigger to herelink for one or two button ? Like, other button = trigg shutter and the other = neutral ? …or one button where the initian value is neutral and PUSH button value in when pushed ? … wow…this took whole evening yesterday, trying to figure out how to get it working…i think was close to get it working. Another try today! :slight_smile:

Any tips for config MP and Herelink with Seaqull #REC would be much appreciated.
Regs Mikko

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Have you got the Cube Servo rail powered?

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yes, i have one bec for servo rail.