Condition_yaw - unintuitive or bug?

Condition_yaw behaves very strangely in APM:Copter v3.2, latest MP.

After extensive testing this is the behaviour we’re seeing:
*Copter facing north (0°) when armed, CCW = counter clock-wise:

Condition_yaw, 90°, CW, abs (0) = copter yaws 90° CW to face east (correct)
Condition_yaw, 270°, CW, rel (1) = copter yaws 90° CCW to face north (not 270° CW to face north!)

Condition_yaw, 90°, CCW , abs (0) = copter yaws 90° CW to face south (not 90° CCW to face north)
Condition_yaw, 270°, CCW, rel (1) = copter yaws 90° CCW to face north (not 270° CCW to face south!)

Condition_yaw, 90°, CW, abs (0) = copter yaws 90° CW to face east (correct)
Condition_yaw, 90°, CCW, rel (1) = copter yaws 90° CW to face south (not 90° CCW to face north! Same as previous)

a) the copter turns in the direction whichever is shortest to achieve the end result, so it will turn -90° (CCW) to achieve a relative +270° (instructed to turn CW)
b) CCW instruction is always ignored.

Bug or wacky intention?

So… this is by design (thanks Julien), I hadn’t seen this more elaborate description: … dition-Yaw

I’ve opened an issue here to hopefully get this fixed at some stage: