Compiling source code in Eclipse

I’m new to Eclipse and Java and Android development (I have a .Net background) but I’d like to play with (and possibly contribute to) the DP code.

I’ve followed the instructions in the Github wiki but I’ve run into a problem, it won’t compile because it’s got code that it’s referencing that’s not found:

[color=#400080]Description Resource Path Location Type
The import it cannot be resolved /FlightDataActivity/src/com/droidplanner/fragments line 3 Java Problem

The lines beginning with:
in are underlined indicating a problem

In Visual Studio I’d just find the code (I can see some code in Github that seems to match ‘’) and add a reference but in Eclipse I can’t find a way of doing it.

Has anyone had the same problem??


Hello JollySwagman, you are probably just missing a “git submodule update” command.

If you want call me at google hangouts at “arthur dot benemann @ gmail dot com”, and I’ll guide you thought any problems.