I have compiled and successfully run my Rover several times about 2 years ago so I am not a complete newbee but close. That was using the old make routines; not waf.
This time I have done the following:
- I have downloaded/cloned latest Rover source from GitHub
- have installed latest Eclipse
- I use Windows only
- I followed all the steps in Setting up the waf Build Environment on Windows using Cygwin — Dev documentation
very closely - I have done a complete Clean before the compile attempts
- I have run the " configure --board Pixhawk1 " successfully!
- But when I run the rover make, I always get the following:
[7/8] Creating build/Pixhawk1/ap_version.h
Compiler failure
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/cygdrive/g/Development/ThumperDev/ardupilot-4/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdlc”, line 61, in
dsdlc_run(args.source_dir, args.incdir, args.outdir)
File “/cygdrive/g/Development/ThumperDev/ardupilot-4/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdl_compiler/init.py”, line 63, in run
run_generator(types, output_dir)
File “/cygdrive/g/Development/ThumperDev/ardupilot-4/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdl_compiler/init.py”, line 112, in run_generator
File “/cygdrive/g/Development/ThumperDev/ardupilot-4/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdl_compiler/init.py”, line 90, in die
raise DsdlCompilerException(str(text))
DsdlCompilerException: line 16, col 17: invalid syntax (, line 1)
line 16, col 17: invalid syntax (, line 1)
uavcangen returned 1 error code
Clearly, there is something wrong my process but I cannot find it.
Help would be appreciated.