Compatibility of Yaapu Telemetry Script with FrSky R9 Slim+ OTA

Hello ArduPilot Community,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am currently using a Jumper T18 transmitter with the R9M 2019 external module and have recently purchased an R9 Slim+ OTA receiver. I am interested in using the Yaapu telemetry script to display telemetry data on my transmitter, which runs OpenTX.

Could anyone confirm if the Yaapu telemetry script is compatible with the R9 Slim+ OTA receiver? If so, are there any specific steps or configurations required to enable this setup? Detailed guidance or references to resources would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, I also have the FrSky R9 Slim+ 2019 868MHz receiver and the FrSky Yaapu telemetry converter cable. Any advice on how to use these products with the Yaapu telemetry script would be very helpful.

Here are some additional details about my setup:

  • Transmitter: Jumper T18
  • Module: R9M 2019
  • Receiver: R9 Slim+ OTA
  • Firmware: OpenTX

Thank you for your assistance and support.