Could anyone explain this ‘drift’ via the logs here? I was flying at ~13,000 feet elevation and upon executing an autonomous landing the quad received a ‘compass error variance’ err in the EKF tab all the way into the red at about 3-4 feet AGL. Right after this error the quad began to ‘drift’ off instead of landing in the pre-determined spot.2017-03-16 10-35-28.tlog (1.5 MB)
Here is the .bin file you requested. Thank you for taking a look at this! I am curious to see what you find! 2017-03-16 (3.7 MB)
I zipped the file to reduce size.
It looks like you just ran out of power.
Your RCOU all max out just prior to you taking control, in fact they are running near max for most of the flight.
Underpowered, and there was nothing left for control, it was battling just to stay stable.