I make an accell calibration followed by a compass calibration. It works fine. When mowing the copter, I check that the compass is reading the correct headings, and I can arm the Copter.
When I come back the next day I can not arm the copter and the compass does not read the correct headings. When arming I get readings like compass variance error and mag field error. I tried another GPS/Compass unit, but this makes no difference.
I tried to mount it well away from any magnets, and I get the same routine.
FC and Compass is mounted in the same direction. Unfortunately there is another error on the logging, so I can not upload a log file.
Does anyone have an idea what can be wrong?
Do you mean EKF compass variance?
I mean “error compass variance.”
I just made another test. The copter is equipped with magnets. When the GPS/Compass unit is 9 cm from the magnets the problem arises. When I move the GPS/Compass unit 15 cm (6 inches) from the magnets, the problem seems to disappear.
I will move around with things on the copter and return.
Mowing the GPS/Compass 15 cm (6 inches) from the nearest magnet seems to have solve the issue - so far. I will try again at the end of the day and return with status.
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Hope you are still able to maintain the drone CG. Wish you success on your flight.
It seems that this did the trick. Keep Compass and Magnets apart. Yes, I have moved the batteri I little forward, so balance is maintained.