Compass mot compensation values for current and throttle

There are two different kinds of compass mot compensation: Related to throttle value and related to current sensor.
The definition of the resulting factors are completely different:
Throttle: Deviation per 100% throttle
Current: Deviation per one ampere

The instructions say, that correction values below 30 are ok, below 60 are in grey range.


  • Are these boundary values valid for both kinds of motor compensation? Or are different boundarys valid for the two different types of compensation?
  • I found compassmot compensation values near 100 for throttle compensation. Is that ok for throttle compensation?

[quote=“diyohl”]There are two different kinds of compass mot compensation: Related to throttle value and related to current sensor.
The definition of the resulting factors are completely different:
Throttle: Deviation per 100% throttle
Current: Deviation per one ampere

The instructions say, that correction values below 30 are ok, below 60 are in grey range.


  • Are these boundary values valid for both kinds of motor compensation? Or are different boundarys valid for the two different types of compensation?
  • I found compassmot compensation values near 100 for throttle compensation. Is that ok for throttle compensation?[/quote]

I believe when you’re calibrating with current, the compassmot calibration gives you a guess at what your compensation would be at full throttle. That doesn’t mean the parameters are scaled in that fashion.

Compassmot % near 100 is pretty bad. You should try to move your compass away from power distribution.