Compass interference

Hello everyone,
I assembled the quad and followed all the config instructions along with tuning. I also did compass calibration initially and later using script to fly quad in 8 shape, further did compassmot calibration by using ardupilot web tool. Even after above steps i see compass normalized innovation going above 1. I have attached the log for the following. Can someone please tell what might be the issue.
Even after calibrating compass the interference still persists.
Also when i used ardupilot web tool the “offset and scale” and “offset and iron” option under motor and battery compensation is not available for check. Screenshot attached below.



@xfacta @dkemxr can you please look at this.

They will only be available if a valid fit is found. That they didn’t work show the tool is having a hard time.

Your getting very large motor values. 16 mGauss/A. Your flying at 10 amps or so, so the correction is 160 mGauss. At your location the earth field strength is 420 mGauss, so the interference is about 40% of the signal.

If your can move the comaps further from the high current draw items it is always a better result than trying to deal with it in the calibration.


Thank you @iampete for your comments. There is no option to increase the height of compass from where it is now. I have figured out that I am getting most interference due to Li-ion batteries I am using. Do you know any solution that can reduce this interference please.

Using GPS for yaw can solve the compass interference problem. You need a dual-antenna RTK module like the C-RTK 2HP.