"Compass Inconsistent" prevents arming, should I recalibrate?

I took my usually-reliable TRex 500 heli to the field today, but it wouldn’t arm. It’s parameters are such that it won’t arm until it gets GPS fix, but even though the log shows at least 12 sats it wouldn’t arm. Since the last successful flight the only parameters that have changed are COMPASS_??? values that were altered after running MagFit.

Here’s the link to the .bin file, and attached is the param file.

HK500 After MagFit.param (16.7 KB)

There’s a message in the log that says Compass Inconsistent. Double check all the values you set after the Magfit. Also if you have telemetry connected in the field (or even just plug in a laptop for testing) make sure the HUD is actually facing the direction the heli is.

Thanks Allister, but where can I see that message?

I’ll compare my params with what I had before MagFit to see if I’ve inadvertently put a - or + sign where I shouldn’t, and then probably revert back to the old values and try again.

MP shows the direction and movements correctly.

I viewed the log in MavExplorer so I can pull up all the messages. They are also visible in Mission Planner but they are stacked on top of each other and harder to see each messages.

Thanks, I’ve not used MavExplorer. I’ll take a look.

If you want to use MP click on one of the column headers and then choose MSG from the pull down menu.

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@abenn1 Try recalibrating your compass in outdoor and then write MagFit values to your system. Before writing your MagFit values verify that the error is removed, otherwise look for other possible snags in your aircraft.

Thanks guys. I first compared my params with just before I did the MagFit, and saw one seemingly major anomoly.

So I changed the -19 to 0.19, but the heli still wouldn’t arm.

I then recalibrated the compasses, and the heli armed and flew :grinning: