Compass Drifting Over Time

Has anyone noticed their compass drifting?

Today during a mission, the copter started toilet bowling, badly. My copter was physically facing north, but in MP, it showed it facing west. I landed, rebooted and then north was north again. But I watched it in MP for a few minutes, while the copter was sitting on the ground. It showed the copter yawing about 45 degrees towards the west, then slowly over to the east, and then back north again. But the copter was always sitting still on the ground facing north.
I came inside to look at my logs, didn’t find anything. Went back out 1/2 hour later, and it was fine for the 15 minutes I was flying.

Any idea what might cause that?

sounds like EKF compass calibration was turned on.


Thanks for thinking about it… That wasn’t enabled, but I think I found the cause…
I put the info in this guys thread…