Communications of copter

Can anyone explain how the transmitter communicates with the telemetry in a copter configuration.? Including protocols, communication signal types

Hello @AliPilot , welcome to the community,

First update to ArduCopter 4.4.4. ArduCopter 3.5.x is a very old version.

The RC transmitter can use multiple protocols to communicate with the flight controller some of them include a telemetry receive channel.

Usually an extra dedicated telemetry radio is preferred because of the extra flexibility and data rate.

Thanks for the reply, i want to precisely know how does these two communicate via access protocol and mavlink

Which two?

What access protocol?

I do not understand you question. Please reformulate.

Mavlink documentation is available: Introduction · MAVLink Developer Guide

Transmitter and the reciever(connected on the v6x autopilot)

Which RC transmitter model are you using?

Which RC receiver model are you using?

I do not know any v6x flight controller. Which manufacturer produces it?

How is the RC receiver connected to the flight controller?

How is the RC transmitter connected to mission planner?

Ask better and more detailed questions to get better/faster answers. We can not guess what is on your mind :wink:

Have you already updated to ArduCopter 4.4.4 firmware version on the flight controller?

CUAV makes the V6X. It’s a very nice autopilot.

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Thanks Yuri, that clears one question. @AliPilot 5 more to go :slight_smile:

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