Command not acknowledged on MavConsole

I am trying to send a position (lattitude, longitude and altitude) through a script. While the script is able to parse the data it needs to send the MavConsle shows me the prompt of
Got MISSION_ACK: TYPE_MISSION: ERROR → when trying to set the location through the mission_item_int_send command
Got COMMAND_ACK: DO_REPOSITION: DENIED → when trying to send the location through MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION through command_int_send command

this is how i’m sending it through code
can anyone tell what I’m missing here?

    command = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION,
    frame =  mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT,
    current = 2,
    autocontinue = 0,
    param1= 0,  # Speed in m/s
    param2 = 1,     # Bitmask of option flags
    param3 = int(0.0),   # Loiter radius for planes (m)
    param4 = int(0.0),  # Yaw heading (degrees)
    x = int(14.5228713 * 1e7),  # Latitude
    y = int(76.5737484 * 1e7),  # Longitude
    z = int(50.0)  # Altitude (m)
    master.target_system,  # target_system
    master.target_component,  # target_component
    3,  # seq
    mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT,  # frame
    mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT,  # command
    2,  # current (0: not current item, 1: current item)
    1,  # autocontinue (1: autocontinue to next waypoint)
    0,  # param1 (hold time in decimal seconds)
    0,  # param2 (acceptance radius in meters)
    0,  # param3 (pass through waypoint, 0: absolute angle, 1: pass through)
    0,  # param4 (desired yaw angle at waypoint)
    int(14.5228713 * 1e7),  # x (latitude, scaled)
    int(76.5737484 * 1e7),  # y (longitude, scaled)
    int(50.0)  # z (altitude, scaled)

i’m following this documentation Plane Commands in Guided Mode — Dev documentation

I’m also checking the acceptance through the code by

while True:
    msg = master.recv_match(blocking=True)
    if msg.get_type() == 'COMMAND_ACK' and msg.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION:
        if msg.result == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED:
            print(" command accepted.")
            print(" command denied.")    

somehow the command is not accepted and I’m unsure of the reasons