I have been trying to set FENCE_CIRCLE_EXCLUSION points using pymavlink library on Python. However when i read the ack message it says it is unsupported. I have set FENCE_ENABLE parameter as 1 and enabled MAVLink signing on Mission Planner.
Here my code is:
from pymavlink import mavutil
iha = mavutil.mavlink_connection(‘tcp:’)
x= -35.35832620
y= 149.16626930
r= 100
iha.target_system, iha.target_component,
0, frame
0, #target_system
0, #target_component
0, #idx
0, #count
x, #lat
y, #lon
r radius
ack_msg = iha.recv_match(type=‘COMMAND_ACK’, blocking=True)
and the Result ;
COMMAND_ACK {command : 5004, result : 3, progress : 0, result_param2 : 0, target_system : 255, target_component : 0}