Colour fonts in DJI v2 goggles

I copy sneaky_fpv colour fonts to SD cards root of my rooted DJI Goggles v2 (I have WTFOS installed with display_port). Problem ist that I always see default fonts and not colour one. Any idea how to solve it please?

Are you using an original series air unit/caddx vista? Or an 03 air unit ?

I am using Dji o3 air unit connected to SERIAL1. I have the leatest ver of the fonts, and this setup according Arducopter documentation

I think it should be some other param to change but dont know what param. Name convention of the fonts is “font_ardu_xxx”. Shall I something config directly on goggles menu?

EDIT: Problem solved - I have O3 air unit so custom fonts are not allowed :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Having issues with googles V2 with Dji 03 not getting any thing as far as telemetry thru the googles I even used your params not sure what I’m missing??