Colcon build --packages-up-to ardupilot_dds_tests failed

Hello! I try to install ROS2 from this guide ROS 2 — Dev documentation.
I did it step by step but on colcon build --packages-up-to ardupilot_dds_tests i have a mistake

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@rhys @rfriedman,

Any chance you could look into this issue?

Note that we have a similar discussion here.

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Can you please copy the entire logs including the command you used?

Please also share the output of git status?

As it stands, there is not enough information for me to tell what’s broken.


Hello! Yes, thank you very much, I found the solution there. I replaced the line inside /ros2_ws/src/ardupilot/libraries/AP_DDS/wscript as stated in that post on
gen_cmd = f"{bld.env.MICROXRCEDDSGEN[0]} -cs -replace -d {dst_dir} -I {idl_include_path} {idl}"
and everything worked now!

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@rhys @rfriedman,

Do you think we need any more changes to the wiki or setup or build scripts?

I’m wondering if I can mark this item as closed?

Just for admin purposes I’m going to consider this issue closed on the Copter-4.5.0 issues list. Please tell me if I’ve got this wrong though.

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Yes, everything is fine, thank you

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No, users aren’t updating to the latest code across repos. We had an ABI break before 4.5, but users have set up the environments before that and then are expecting it to work without updates. CI tests the new versions of both.

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