Chinook style bicopter - help needed

hi all!
I’m attempting to build a “chinook style” bi rotor helicopter using two 120° swashplates from sport helis like Goblin or mikado. What setting do you reccomend for this? My concern is about the mixing table, i don’t know if i can do this without fiddling with lua script. In case, any config example is welcomed.


I would recommend using the traditional helicopter version of arducopter. It has the mixing built in for tandem (chinook) rotor helicopters. Here is the wiki on the settings for this style of helicopter.

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thanks a lot. Just in case, do you know if the trad heli fw has 4 servo swashplate mixing built-in? (in particular, 45° tilted four servos) EDIT: found it, there is.

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BTW, you will want to use the linear servo feature with the 4 servo swashplates in order to keep the servos from binding.