Currently in list of supported hardware are only VERY expensive stuff…
For example chinese JIYI flight controllers uses radars from which costs ~120-160$ (altitude and obstacle avoidance)
Are you planning to support such radars?
Do you know chinese? Can you help out?
the NRA15 is a cheap radar very similar to what you are showing that is supported .
this one is very interesting, only $70 FMK24E5100/FMK24E5110 FMK24 E Series Microwave Ranging Radar 24GHz Radar Sensor Barrier Floor Garage Security|ABS Sensor| - AliExpress
@rmackay9 what do you think of these radars?
229$ + 50$ shipping (some joke) so 280$ instead of ~150$ with shipping…
I can ask for protocol documentation
Should be pretty easy to add support for this, considering it has a serial interface.
They’re using CAN splitter, should be similar as i2c, but i’m not sure…
that would be cool, the forward looking radar is very useful for boats.
There’re documents they have sent to me.
Chinese JIYI K++ flight controller is basically the same Pixhawk and they have support
Going to order a couple of those FMK24-E radars. They look interesting. Once I get one and get a look at it’s data we’ll do something about Ardurover support for it by writing a driver. Hopefully!
I have a fmk24e 5300 ordered, im sending it to yuri_rage to see what he can do with it. if your getting one too then the driver should get done even faster!
Yeah hope so! We’ll do something together to get it going.
The interface is pretty simple. Its just a list of targets in cm.
I also came across this while browsing. $19 serial radar!
Haven’t tried writing a sensor driver for ardupilot before but I guess it shouldn’t be too hard.
Just serial messages and an array containing targets. Will have a go once it turns up.
This is pretty much how all the serial rangefinders work, if you can figure out how add one you can add them all.
There is a new lua rangefinder driver that could be useful so they can be added with a lua script driver instead of a full ardupilot driver.
I made some adapters for the FMK24 radar recently.