Changing Yaw rate in AUTO mode

How do you change the yaw rate when you are in auto flight mode? I want to slow down the yaw response between waypoints to make a smoother transition. This is very noticeable especially if I have a delay setting at a waypoint and need to yaw many degrees to the next wp. We are running stream mapping applications with both video and still images, so this would help smooth it all out…we get a little dizzy on some of the video.

Can you set the yaw parameters separate in stabilize mode from auto mode?

So far this looks to be the only answer I have found in the documents from the Mission Command List under Condition-Yaw

“Sec – not supported. meant to limit the rotation speed (in deg/sec) as the vehicle turns to the desired heading”

Hopefully being able to set the Yaw rate in deg/sec will be supported in the near future for auto mode. This would be a very useful setting to manipulate for various applications.

So far my APM 2.6 has worked flawlessly in all modes I have flown. Autotune is something else to watch in action, especially when you flip the switch for the very first time after always flying manual for several years…leap of faith, but now a believer.

For now I will simply smooth out wp yaw by putting in some transitional wp’s enroute.