

I was wondering if someone could confirm a detail about how to make use of CH9-12_OPT that was added to 3.3.

On my UAV the Channel assignment is supposed to look like this[color=#FF0000]:[/color]
CH1-4 [color=#FF0000]Flight Controls[/color]
CH5 [color=#FF0000]Flight Modes[/color]
CH6 [color=#FF0000]Gimbal Pitch[/color] Can only be assigned CH1-8
CH7 [color=#4040FF]Gimbal Roll [/color]Can only be assigned CH1-8
CH8 [color=#FF0000]minimOSD[/color] Can only be assigned CH8
CH9 [color=#4040FF]Autotune/RTL[/color]
CH10 [color=#40BF00]LED System[/color]
CH11 [color=#40BF00]Camera Toggle[/color]
CH12 [color=#40BF00]Lost Plane Finder[/color]

Everything marked[color=#FF0000] RED [/color]cannot be assigned to another Channel while everything [color=#40BF00]GREEN[/color] can.
The problem is basically the two [color=#4040FF]BLUE[/color] ones on CH7 and CH9.
CH7 Gimbal Roll, while not exactly mandatory is something I’d still like to have on the FPV Platform as I’m occasionally experiencing drift.
CH9 Autotune/RTL takes CH7’s place in 3.2 but, if my assumption on how CH9-CH12_OPT work is correct, would be assigned to CH9 in order to free up the necessary Channel.

Question[color=#FF0000] 1:[/color]
I can’t find a Dropdown Menu for CH9-CH12_OPT so I’m assuming I’m supposed to use the Full Parameter List to edit them?
In order to assign Autotune and later RTL to CH9 do I just have to add 17 and later 4 to it like how it looks when it’s being assigned to CH7 & CH8?

Question[color=#FF0000] 2:[/color]
I was under the assumption that the Speaker on the Pixhawk can be used as a Lost Plane Finder/Beeper, is that not the case?
I’m having a hard time finding a setting for such a feature.

Thanks in advance =)


I think the gimbal controls can be set to input channels above 8 but it looks like we have the parameter descriptions incorrect. I’ll fix that, thanks! Until that’s done, you could manually set the MNT_RC_IN_ROLL, MNT_RC_IN_PITCH values to higher numbers than “8”.

The lost copter alarm can be triggered by holding both sticks on the transmitter down and right. Sorry, this isn’t documented anywhere so we will have to add that.


I think the gimbal controls can be set to input channels above 8 but it looks like we have the parameter descriptions incorrect. I’ll fix that, thanks! Until that’s done, you could manually set the MNT_RC_IN_ROLL, MNT_RC_IN_PITCH values to higher numbers than “8”.[/quote]
Mhh… The Problem, so I believe, is the Alexmos Controller I use which is running an outdated Firmware only accepting Inputs from CH1-8.
Updating it to a more recent Version, that might solve the issue, isn’t an Option either for reasons unknown to me.

Nice! Thanks for the information =)

I can confirm that going into the settings directly allows channels above 8 to be allocated to camera controls.

I have it currently working with pan and tilt on channels 13 and 14 of a taranis via S-Bus to a pixhawk.

Yes the Mission Planner appears to limit it to 6,7 and 8 in the camera setup page. Putting them higher leves those channels for allocation to the drop downs in MP.

nimbusgb, what receiver are you using to get additional channels from the taranis?
are you using an sbus to sppm or direct connection?