Here is my configuration working with AC 3.4.6 :
- a Cam Remote connected on the CH 7 Main Out (Pixfalcon),
- Cam Remote connected with my camera (Parrot Sequoia) with usb,
- CH7_OPT = “Camera trigger”,
- CAM_TRIGG_TYPE = “Servo”,
- CAM_SERVO_OFF = “1500 ms”,
- CAM_SERVO_ON = “1900 ms”
My camera takes pictures each time it does, with QGC or with the RC.
With AC 5.5.5 (and 3.6-rc) with the same parameters and connections, the camera never takes pictures !!
The Cam Remote as a “PWM tester mode” which allows me to monitor the CH7 output :
- with 3.4.6 I see 1,5 s when OFF and 1,9 s when ON, and the camera shoots when ON,
- with 3.5.5 (or 3.6-rc) I see 0 s for OFF and ON, and the camera never shoots !!
When I flash back to 3.4.6, all is working again …
Is there something different in CH7/Camera trigger between 3.4.6 and later versions ?
Thanks for your help