Cause of the rising phenomenon when the helicopter is put into Loiter mode.

Schwash plate is parallel
In stabilize mode, hovering is normal movement
Collective pitch angle adjusted as per instruction manual
From the above, there should be no problem, but why does it rise in LOTTER mode?

Please post a log file of a flight where this problem occurs.

Thank you very much.
Here is the flight log in question.

Hi @yuishin ,
first you should set the min and max collective angles correctly according to your measured values (+/-90 deg are the defaults):

Also, possibly review your mechanical setup, having 2000us for max collective and 1702us for min collective seems very unbalanced travel for good control over the whole collective travel range.
Finally, do not try any automatic modes unless you have a good tuning on pitch/roll/yaw (the desired vs measured values do not match tight enough).


Hi @Ferrosan ,
Thank you for answering my question.
I will give it a try.
Also, what is the default value of the collective pitch?

@yuishin collective range usually is +10/ -4 degrees.
Aim at having about 4-5 deg of incidence at 1500us.