Can't trigger camera shutter with Seagul Map2

I am setting up a camera trigger (Seagull Map2) to a Sony a5000, using a Kakute H7 v1.3 but when I press do action, the camera turns on and off instead of taking a picture. The camera gimbal screen in Mission Planner where you would usually set up the camera trigger is greyed out for some reason so I have been trying to configure things from the full parameter list. I have set the PWM ranges on the Servo5 parameters to those suggested by the Seagull manual for IS-T mode. However I am still slightly unsure as to what each of the options in that camera gimbal page correspond to in terms of parameters.

Here are my current servo 5 parameters:

Do the CAM1 parameters also have to be changed? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve not used the Map 2 myself, but have the Rec2 which I control via a lua script.

The SERVO params are the PWM limits of the output itself, so I would tend to set these back to default, so try something like

The trim and function are correct I think.

For the MAP 2 to then trigger IS-T mode, you need to change the output to 1700µs, so you do this with the CAM parameters.

CAM1_TYPE = 1 - Using a servo ie PWM output
CAM1_DURATION = 0.5 - Set the dervo signal to trigger for 0.5 seconds
CAM1_SERVO_ON = 1700 - Set the PWM signal to trigger IS-T photo

You can then play about with the CAM1_SERVO_ON value to use different modes if you want to

Have a look here too, you should be able to do most of the setup using the Mission Planner UI too whihc is much easier than getting lost in params if you don’t need to :smiley:

Hopefully this is helpfull and gets you up taking photos