I have tried 3 different ways of taking off for an auto mission & only 1 of them works but not the way I would like:
1. Takeoff in Stabilize or Pos Hold mode & switch to Auto mode (partial success): Once in the air, switching to Auto makes the craft touch down to the ground rather quickly & then the craft takes off again to execute the mission. I would rather the mission just start from where the craft is instead of automatically landing first.
2. Arm in Stabilize Mode, switch to Auto & push “Takeoff” button in qgroundcontrol (fail). I would like this to work so I can execute missions with my phone alone. I read somewhere that one could fly without a radio & this seems to be the logical procedure. Instead, the craft takes off, hovers in place & does nothing else. I switch to Land mode to bring it down.
3. Arm in Stabilize Mode, switch to Auto & raise throttle stick on radio (fail). The craft kind of dances a bit on the ground until it finds a way to trip on the landing gear & flip over. It is very consistent with this behavior.
I’m hoping I am just missing something obvious. The log is only 1.97MB but when I upload, it says the file is too big.