Can't set a switch to start compass calibration

Trying to have a switch set to start compass calibration as informed in the page Compass Calibration — Copter documentation ‘Setup an RC channel to start the calibration by setting its RCx_OPTION to be “171”…’

Initially I tried ‘Config → User Params → RC7_OPTION’ but there isn’t a option to set this
Then I went to Full Parameter Tree and set RC7_OPTION = 171

When I try to start calibration from the radio switch OSD displays message ‘Invalid Channel Option (171)’

It’s anything I’m still missing?

… /Copter/stable-4.3.7/speedybeef4v3/

Option 171 is only in the latest DEV version
Try Option 62

Thanks xfacta

Tried 62 but looks like this is Automatic Offset Calibration Advanced Compass Setup — Copter documentation

At least when tried the switch produced “CompassLearn LOW” “CompassLearn MIDDLE” “CompassLearn INITIALIZED” messages and “CompassLearn HIGH” in subsequent switch triggerings.

Interesting doc branches aren’t related to releases. Just reflecting master branch (and others not related to FW version). So maybe define a switch to calibrate compass is not a feature I can use ATM unless it’s something else or some alternative to make it work.

Magfit is a better choice anyway.

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Is there a solution to this? I get the same error message (v4.4.0-dev).

Dave, what is “magfit”?


What you want to use for compass calibration.

Don’t worry about the “build/sim” environment in the link. Page down to the MAVExplorer section, install the utility and watch the video. It’s fairly straightforward.

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Sorry this probably a obvious question but there’s a option in Magfit “CMOT”. I presume this will ‘resolve’ with same results than if I go CMOT calibration in MP. That’s right?
I initially thought that CMOT in MP would produce a calibration curve to be used by ardupilot accordingly actual RPM regimes. But it looks like the result of this calibration is a single param COMPASS_MOTCT.

Yes right. Compass motor calibration the easy way! Give it some throttle changes while flying the test run. Couple figure 8’s for the compass and some throttle squirts for CMOT.

No, it produces the offsets. COMPASS_MOTCT is the parameter to enable the function or not.

And the reference for CMOT is current not RPM.

Thank you.
Yeah absolutely. Not only easier (specially easier in the physical world of making props spinning fast in the bench or anything) but based on the real situation.

That’s really great.