Yesterday while running on Auto I was trying to upload an updated mission and it was constantly failing. I got it to upload once to take the new mission, but all other times it failed. Sometimes it would get to waypoint 0 and fail, other times 1, other times 2, and so on.
I’ve attached the log for review. I had rdf900’s with 1.7.1 on both sides, and MP 1.2.92. I observed 99% rssi indicated in the virtual hud the entire mission. Other commands would work fine, and the telemetry data received back from the air to the ground was always accurate.
Is this a bug? It used to work fine and has seemed to crop up more recently…
Sure Michael, here you go… I’m 99% sure this is the right one. Sorry about the size, it was a duration flight in a pattern to test the airframe’s power system for a long distance attempt… ~43mi in ~85mins.
If this isn’t the right one, let me know. I would have shared the rlog too but they’re blocked by the uploader. If you do need it let me know and I’ll zip it up.