Can't get specifitc status from sim_vehicle

Hello, I’m trying to use sim_vehicle to validate my autonomous driving pymavlink code.
When I tried to get some data from Simulated vehicle, It only works with “COMMAND_ACK” not with other ‘type’.
this code :
print(master.recv_match(type=‘COMMAND_ACK’, blocking=True))

yeah It works when I gave commands like moving with gps, arming, disarming, etc.
but I want to know about vehicle’s attitude, global position, lodcal ned for checking it arriving somewhere I want.
like this code :
def check_waypoint(master, waypoint, epsilon=0.00005):
while True:
message = master.recv_match(type=‘GLOBAL_POSITION_INT’, blocking=True)
current_lat = / 1e7
current_lon = message.lon / 1e7

    delta_lat = abs(current_lat - waypoint[0])
    delta_lon = abs(current_lon - waypoint[1])

    if delta_lat < epsilon and delta_lon < epsilon:

when I put this code :
print(master.recv_match(type=‘GLOBAL_POSITION_INT’, blocking=True))

It can’t get out of loop.
Of course If I connect real vehicle, It gives me status well.
Is this problem only for sim? or Is there any way to get status?