Swift-Nav Piksi as GPS (using swift-navs DS13 - Picoblade cable)
3DR uBlox as GPS (using 6 fold DS13 cable)
Serial, on all devices and ports 115 200 BAUD
Whichever port the uBlox GPS is connected to it will show in Mission Planner. The Piksi does not show any data. That is: if I switch the connectors on the Pixhawk the values will switch between GPS1 and GPS2.
I found it by more Googleing
The cable shipped by Swift-Nav for the 3D Radio cannot be used.
You need to switch pin 2 and 3 so Tx goes to Rx and vice versa.
Why have any standard ?!?!?
I have read all instruction how to integrate Piksi with the Pixhawk platform but I cannot see it working.
In MP the second GPS status is always 1 and never change, Nr of satellites never increases.
I have tested both “my” cable and the cable I have bought for this without success.
Both MP and Rover have the latest software version.
I have tried force GPS_TYPE2 to 8 but nothing changes