Can't connect to mission planner on windows 10, arduplane

try 57600 if you will, 57600

Will do. Thought that was telemetry only.

Strange. It changed back to 115200 by itself, but still did not connect.

To all those kind souls who tried to help \out:, thanksw more than I can legally say.
I got a tiny form-factor computer - a $99 wonder - and it works perfectly .
No idea what’s wrong with cyclops (my tower) but I’m cool with this. Hope I don’t have to ask for help again for a good long time!!

I wouldn’t worry too much about the baud rate. I’ve noticed that a physical USB connection usually sorts itself out (I think MP has an auto-baud feature for some connection types but am happy to be proven wrong).

Maybe too little too late, but it might help to look at the device manager after plugging an autopilot into the USB port to see what is reported. If it’s “unknown serial device” or similar, you still have a driver problem, which is my suspicion.

I have also found that certain Bluetooth serial devices cause conflicts with physical ports. I sometimes have to disable their virtual com ports in the device manager to get access to the physical ports. I suspect this is an uncommon issue, though, since I tend to work on a variety of hardware and am prone to conflicts that others will never see.

Glad you got things working another way.

Ghost in the machine. Unable to flash firmware. Scanning times out. phantom copy of Mission Planner will not terminate. This is all new as a month ago, I can connect.

Sorry to not reply for so long, but been busy building stuff.
“Unknown serial device” is just what I get.
I downloaded a driver package by Osborne (I think) but it did not solve the problem, and i still want to use my main computer for the configuration step – the little mini works ok, but the biggie is easier- less of a pain to set up, as well as a lot faster.
I thought the basic mission planner had drivers. I downloaded a fresh one, but no change.
Thanks very much for your help.

Not long ago I had the same issue uploading firmware in MP flash will disable my com port and temporary freeze the fight controller. At one time i could force bootloader but up loading MP Beta made it worse, The only workaround is to not use MP and use QGC for uploads. Now this is all new to me and sorry your having issues.

There seems to be a rash of this lately. I’m afraid I don’t know the cause. I’ve rarely had an issue uploading firmware from Mission Planner.

I still think it comes down to driver conflicts, but I don’t have a specific fix to apply.