I am using a beaglebone blue with a Spektrum satelite receiver and a Spektrum DX6i transmitter.
I am able to bind the transmitter with the satelite receiver and test the range just fine on the beaglebone blue. But I am unable to bind and/or calibrate via Mission Planner or QGroundControl. I am able to connect with both to the Beaglebone to do the initial set for everything except the rc transmitter and the gps module (another problem for another day).
I am a novice (which is being generous) so anything could be wrong. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated (If I had any hair left I would be pulling it out right now).
I’m having the same problem. Managed to bind the satellite receiver to my DX6i by connecting the satellite receiver to an AR610 receiver that I have and performing the bind process.
Now with the Spektrum satellite receiver plugged into the DSM port of the BeagleBone Blue I can see that it’s working by using rc_dsm_test command.
In Mission Planner however, on the radio calibration screen I get no indication that its working. I’ve tried configuring it on serial 4 & 5 in MP and at ttyS3 & tty S4 in my configuration file.
What is the serial address/number of the DSM uart?