Cannot Write Waypoints through wireless

I’ve been trying for a while to set waypoints through my 3dr 915mhz antennas and i simply cannot.

To help with narrowing the problem, I can tell you that I can load waypoints from the copter as well as receive telemetry with no problem.

I’ve tried writing waypoints in Droid planner, Apm, and Andropilot with no luck. In those programs it says “mavlink has timed out.”

I have attached the error message I receive from Mission Planner as well as my radio settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



what are you trying to upload?

I’m trying to upload waypoints for autonomous flight. So lets say I program 4 waypoints on mission planner and I want to get those on to the autopilot. I can do this if I plug the USB directly into my APM 2.6 board and it works great, but if I try to upload via my 915Mhz radios it times out. I’ve also noticed downloading certain parameters via my 3DR radios is timing out as well. One parameter i can not download is the flight modes assigned to a channel on my RC TX.

try factory resetting your 3dr radios. as it maybe a simple config issue.

What is the process for doing that? I just searched for it and didn’t come up with how to do a factory reset.

its an option in the MP 3dr radio config screen.

I had the same problem and what helped me was to install APM Planner along with Mission Planner. I started APM Planner and clicked on read and then write.

After this I started Mission Planner as usual and all went well great.

Please, give this a try.